When to Switch to Toddler Formula?

You take a look at your little one and realize he’s not-so-little anymore. He’s able to walk and run around the room. He even talked back at you the last time you tried to tell him to sit down. Then it hits you― it’s time to change formula again!

You went through a whole lot find the right stage 1 and stage 2 baby formulas. It feels like just yesterday when you were on the internet searching for the right baby formula for your newborn.

You’re perhaps wondering when the best time is to switch to a new formula, how to do it and which formula is the best.

Here’s a guide on how to do it.

When To Begin Switching

When to Switch to Toddler Formula? 1
Source: piqsels.com

A toddler is a child between the ages of 12 months to 36 months. This is the stage where social, emotional and cognitive development takes place.

The word toddler comes from the root word “toddle”, which means to walk unsteadily or take short unsteady steps, which is typical of a child of this age.

Your baby will give you certain signs that he needs a change in formula. These signs may be specific or nonspecific and very easy to miss. Sometimes your baby’s body starts giving you hints even before he turns 12 months of age.

Your little one used to take in whatever vegetable and solid food you give him. You were all over the moon to have a baby who isn’t a picky eater and enjoys everything you give him. But then he starts throwing a tantrum when you put potatoes on his plate.

Baby girl liked to have her hair in a neat bun with a big bow over it. But lately she ends up losing the bun on her own and tangling up her hair every time you make it. You begin to wonder what went wrong and how bad are your parenting skills getting.

Relax, it’s just your baby developing their own preferences!

From 10 months of age, your baby’s personality begins to develop intensively and they are able to make decisions regarding their preferences and dislikes.

They tend to play a lot and get very inquisitive. They might want to try every new thing, or perhaps, not even want to try anything aside what they are already used to at all. Your baby begins to make choices of their own, whether you’re in favor of it or not.

These are signs that your young fellow isn’t an infant anymore and you need to switch formulas.

Toddler Formula― What Exactly Is It and What Is It Used For?

When to Switch to Toddler Formula? 2
Source: piqsels.com

Toddler formula is basically formula made for a toddler!

It is marketed for infants between the ages of 10 months to 36 months. It contains most of the nutrients, minerals and vitamins found in baby formula.

Toddler formula differs from infant formula mainly by its composition. It is made of skim milk or whole milk, unlike infant formula whose milk has been altered to resemble breastmilk.

It also contains more calcium and phosphorus for better development of bones and teeth. It may also contain powdered milk, sweeteners and vegetable oil as well.

These added ingredients are not a cause for concern. Your child is old enough to digest these ingredients and will not cause any harm. Parents with children who are allergic to cow milk can opt for a soy milk substitute.

Toddler formula is used for quite a number of purposes, such as transitioning agent, baby food fortifier and milk substitute.

Toddler formula can be used to start weaning or transitioning process, which is why it is sometimes referred to as transition formula. Experts say it is not advisable to switch directly from breastmilk or infant formula straight to solid food. Weaning is a gradual process and it requires trial and errors. It is recommended to transition over a couple of weeks so your baby’s digestive system can adjust to the new food being introduced.

Toddler formula is also great for transitioning from formula to whole milk. Since it is made of whole milk or skim milk, it prepares your child’s digestive tract and makes it able to digest whole milk. Doing this reduces changes of animal milk allergy and other gastrointestinal problems like diarrhea and bloody stools.

Just like infant formula, toddler formula can be used to fortify breastmilk. In as much as breastmilk components change overtime in order to ensure that the child gets the right number of vitamins and nutrients they need as they grow up, toddlers don’t breastfeed as much as infants do. They prefer to eat baby food and snacks, because these taste sweeter and are more filling.

Fortifying breastmilk with formula will enhance not only the taste, but also the nutritional component of breastmilk.

Toddler formula may also be used as a creamer or sweetener to enhance the taste and fortify porridges, soups and cereals for toddlers.

Before you purchase any formula, be sure that is specifically made to suit your child’s age and preference. Toddlers tend to be picky when it comes to their formulas too!

Why To Switch To Toddler Formula

When to Switch to Toddler Formula? 3
Source: piqsels.com

Toddlers’ brains develop and a very fast rate at this stage and their body requires more nutrients than what the stage 2 formula has to offer.

There is a lot of growth and development taking place in a toddler’s body and they need an extra boost of energy and nutrition.

Milk has traditionally been used for this purpose due to the fact that it costs less and is said to be generally safer than formulas. This is true for older toddlers (18 to 36 months old), but can’t be said for younger toddlers (below 17 months).

Regulations on formula production are specifically made to meet the needs of infants and toddlers, where as that of milk is made to meet those of the average child and average adult. Feeding a young toddler milk without proper transitioning can cause serious digestive problems.

“Furthermore, formulas, unlike milk, contain Docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) and arachidonic acid (ARA) which are essential omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids. They play a major role in the development of infant and toddlers.” – said spesialist from organicsbestshop.com

All toddlers, at some point in their lives, will become picky or fussy eaters. Cereals, fruits and green vegetables are usually what most toddlers dislike.

Turning them to smoothies and enriching with formula is a great way to get them enjoying healthy foods again.