LCD vs LED Monitor for Graphic Design: What You Need to Know

Professional graphic designing requires a monitor that delivers high-end performance and the best productivity for a great outcome. That can be either an LED or an LCD. Being on the costlier end, you might be questioning whether an LED is worth a purchase instead of an LCD. In order to discuss LCD vs LED Monitor for graphic design; which one to buy, here are the things you should consider while buying a monitor for graphic designing:

  • Color accuracy: The field of graphic designing requires colors that look exactly the same on-screen as they look on a printed sheet. For this purpose, color spacing is a factor to be considered. There are several LCDs as well as LEDs with excellent color accuracy. Monitors equipped with Adobe RGB color space are specifically manufactured to be used by Graphic Designers.
  • IPS Display: In this modern era of technology and monitors, an IPS display is a must have for professional Graphic designing. A non-IPS monitor is unable to show the accurate light and grey shades as much as an IPS display can. Both LCD and LED monitors are equipped with an IPS panel.
  • Resolution: There is a simple rule regarding the screen resolution of any monitor for graphic designing; the more is better. For highly detailed work, you don’t want to see the pixels up close while you are working and it is also not the most optimal.

LCD vs LED Monitor for graphic design: The Difference

LCD vs LED Monitor

1. Backlighting:

The main difference between an LCD and an LED monitor is backlighting. LEDs are equipped with back-lit displays, whereas LCDs are not. This factor is useful for a sharper picture and less heat. Although not necessary, overall for graphic designing, backlit monitors are more preferable. This also helps with color accuracy.

2. Viewing angles: 

Viewing angles on monitor

Another drawback of using an LCD monitor is the viewing angle. You have to be in front of the LCD display while working, otherwise, if you need to move off to the side, the display will get blurry to your eyes and it will be harder to see, especially during daylight. However, you can see at an LED display from any angle without getting any type of distortion.

3. Resolution:

LCD displays usually have a higher resolution as compared to LED monitors. That means that you can view your work on the screen at a closer distance without noticing the pixels on it.

4. Cost:

Apart from the above, this is the major difference between an LCD vs LED Monitor for Graphic Design. Being bulky, having bigger pixels, no backlighting, and using older technology to illuminate the light on a screen, LCD monitors are less expensive than LED monitors of the same screen size.

Closing Remarks

The LED monitors have obvious benefits than the LCD monitors for professional graphic designing, the factors of resolution and cost still make a huge difference for many Graphic designers out there. You just have to eliminate the odds and decide whether an LED monitor is worth the purchase or not for your graphic designing career. The editor will recommend you to opt for LED Monitor for Graphic design if you can afford one. If you have any queries, you can ask in the comments.